We welcome most types of businesses. However, businesses related to the following categories are not accepted:
- Counterfeit & Replica goods
- Unauthorised Copies of Intellectual Property
- Stolen Property
- Artefacts
- Ethnically or Racially Offensive Material
- Illegal Drugs & Associated paraphernalia
- Products that present a high risk to consumer safety
- Pornographic products or services
- Animals, pets or wildlife
- Hazardous Materials
- Weapons, ammunition or explosives
- Human Parts and Remains
- Non-Governmental Organisations and/or charities
- Gambling or betting proceeds of any kind
- Services related to the making or receipt of payments arising from the trade of, and/or providing services relating to, virtual assets, e.g. Cryptocurrencies
- Personal use such as gifts, loans or payments from friends and family
- Any activity deemed to be illegal in any applicable jurisdiction
- Any other activity that Currenxie deems to fall outside of its internal compliance risk threshold.